Kerala Plusone Syllubus

Kerala Plusone Syllubus for Mathematics

  1. Sets
  2. Relations and Functions
  3. Trigonometric Functions
  4. Principle of Mathematical Induction
  5. Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
  6. Linear Inequalities
  7. Permutations and Combinations
  8. Binomial Theorem
  9. Sequences and Series
  10. Straight Lines
  11. Conic Sections
  12. Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry
  13. Limits and Derivatives
  14. Mathematical Reasoning
  15. Statistics
  16. Probability

Kerala Plusone Syllubus for Physics

  1. Physical World
  2. Unites and Dimensions
  3. Motion in Straight Line
  4. Motion in a Plane
  5. Laws of Motion
  6. Work, Energy and Power
  7. System of Particles and Rotational Motion
  8. Gravitation
  9. Mechanical Properties of Solids
  10. Mechanical Properties of Fluids
  11. Thermal Properties of Matter
  12. Thermodynamics
  13. Kinetic Theory
  14. Oscillations
  15. Waves

Kerala Plusone Syllubus for Chemistry

  1. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
  2. Structure of Atom
  3. Classification if Elements and Periodicity in Properties
  4. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
  5. States of Matter
  6. Thermodynamics
  7. Equilibrium
  8. Redox Reactions
  9. Hydrogen
  10. The s-block Elements
  11. The p-block Elements
  12. Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques
  13. Hydrocarbons
  14. Environmental Chemistry