Labels: Plusone

Linear Acceleration: Definition and Formula

Linear Acceleration: Definition and Formula

What is linear acceleration? An object that is moving in a straight line will be accelera…
What is absolute zero?

What is absolute zero?

Absolute Zero Absolute Zero is defined as minimum absolute temperature of an ideal gas. T…
What is absolute scale of Temperature?

What is absolute scale of Temperature?

Absolute scale of Temperature A temperature scale, zero of which is equivalent to -273.15…
Kerala Plusone Syllubus

Kerala Plusone Syllubus

Kerala Plusone Syllubus for Mathematics Sets Relations and Functions Trigonometric Functi…
State Functions and Path Functions

State Functions and Path Functions

State Functions A physical quantity is said to be a state function if its value depends …
Intensive and Extensive Property

Intensive and Extensive Property

What is Intensive Property? An Intensive property is one that does not depend on the mas…

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